Emergency rudder: phase 1

After many back and forth on the subject, I decided to buy an emergency rudder cassette system that had been removed from a boat. It is a nice system except for the following problems:

  1. It does not fit on my boat
  2. It does not include the most important part (the rudder itself)

Problem #1 is to be expected from any system that is not custom designed for a particular boat. After installing the bottom part, I once again used the service of Mark Shutts to make changes to the existing set-up. The temporarily installation can be seen below:

The cassette holding system

The cassette holding system

What needs to be “tuned” are the arms that will attach the top of the frame to the hull.

Better view

Better view

Mark already designed the stainless mounts that will be bolted to the hull.

Problem #2 is more interesting! I am currently trying to make a 3D model of the rudder with FreeCAD in order for a surf board shop with to mill it out of foam. Stay tuned for more details!